Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Most Important Rule
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Remember, you're playing to enjoy a challenging battle with friends, where having fun and keeping to the spirit of the game is more important than winning at any cost.

Warhammer is an involving game, with many different races, weapons, and endless possibilities. In a game of this size and level of complexity there are bound to be certain occasions where a particular situation lies outside the rules as they are written. Warhammer players should feel free to improvise where necessary, resolving such situations in a friendly and mutually agreed manner, and evolving the game far beyond the published rules if they wish.

When you come across a situation in a battle that is not covered fully by the rules, be prepared to interpret a rule or come up with a suitable house rule for yourselves.

When a situation of contention arises, players should agree on a fair and reasonable solution and get on with the game as quickly as possible. The most common way of resolving any disputes is for a player to roll a D6 to see whose interpretation applies in that instance. On the roll of 1-3 player A may decide, on a 4-6 player B may decide. After the game has finished, sit down and discuss what happened with your opponent and see if you can both reach an agreement in case the same situation ever arises again (this is called a 'house rule').

Likewise; if there are any rules you or your gaming group dislike, feel free to discuss them among yourself and change them accordingly to something you prefer. This book is meant as a framework to play the game around, but feel free to make up new rules or changes as you see fit as long as your opponent agrees with you.

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