Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Banner of the Hidden Dead
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Magic Standard60 points

Belonging to the fabled Hawk Legion, the elite army who guarded Settra before his mummification, the Banner of the Hidden Dead summons the souls of one of their regiments from their honoured place in the Underworld. Wrought with powerful incantations, the ancient dead are called to this banner like moths to a flame. The magic of the banner then binds these souls into the skeletal remains of warriors who have long lain buried and forgotten beneath the sands. At a wordless command, skeletal soldiers punch through the desert surface, forming into perfect ranks or long-dead charioteers burst forth from the dunes for the first time in millennia, ready to wage war once more for the glory of Nehekhara.

Nominate one of your units of Infantry, Cavalry, Monstrous Cavalry or Chariots with the Undead rule that has yet to deploy, whose total points value is no greater than 200 points. That unit gains the Entombed Beneath the Sands special rule. When this unit arrives on the battlefield you must place its 'Entombed Beneath the Sands' marker within 12" of the Banner of the Hidden Dead. If the bearer of this banner is destroyed before the hidden unit emerges, the entire hidden unit is destroyed and removed as casualties.

In addition, every unit with the Entombed Beneath the Sands special rule that attempts to emerge whilst its marker is within 12" of the Banner of the Hidden Dead (including your nominated hidden unit) can re-roll the scatter and artillery dice when emerging. Note that you must either re-roll both, or neither of the dice.