Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Enchanted Item

Bastet is Neferata's familiar, a slender black Khemrian cat who was entombed with her beloved Queen. Now she is just a feline shadow that follows Neferata and protects her from danger. In the Old World it is said that black cats presage bad luck, and maybe in this case it could be true…

At the beginning of each of her turns, Neferata can send Bastet to any enemy unit on the battlefield within 12". Place a marker of Bastet next to the affected unit. Bastet looks just like an ordinary black cat and therefore will be ignored by the enemy (the model can be moved through, it doesn't stop the enemy from marching, etc.). The target unit will be afflicted by miserable bad luck and everything that can go wrong will. The unit must re-roll any successful armour save it takes while under Bastet's influence. This lasts for the duration of the Vampire player's turn.