Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Blade of Bel-Korhadris
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Magic Weapon

This sword was the weapon of Bel-Korhadris, the Phoenix King who ordered the construction of the White Tower of Hoeth. The Blade of Bel-Korhadris is usually attached to the highest pinnacle of the Tower of Hoeth, where the setting sun catches its tip at the Hour of Dragon. The magic of the blade catches and entraps the rays of the sun and makes the sword blaze throughout the night. When the Swordmasters go to war, Belannaer takes the sword with him and vows to use it only for good, faithful to the principles of the great Scholar-King.

This blade has the Ignore Armour saves special rule against non-magical armour, but magic armours works as normal. In addition, once per battle, at the beginning of any close combat phase, Belannaer can unleash the fires of the captured star. He then gains +D6 Attacks with the Flaming Attacks special rule that turn.