Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Book of the Phoenix
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Enchanted Item

The Book of the Phoenix tells the ancient legend of Asuryan – an allegorical story of the fate of all civilizations of birth, growth, glory, decline and eventual destruction.

At the beginning of the battle Belannaer may read one of the verses of the book. The effect will last for the end of the game, unless the Book is destroyed or nullified by some means.

  • The Verse of Rebirth: If Belannaer is ever killed, he will immediately burst into flames causing a Flaming Strength 6 hit on each model, friend or foe, in base-to-base contact with him, and return to life with D3 wounds. He may be positioned in any High Elf unit on the battlefield. This does not apply if Belannaer is caught in pursuit. One use only.

  • The Verse of Flame Eternal: This verse will allow Belannaer to automatically cast one of his spells without using any power dice once per Magic phase. It can still be dispelled as normal, at a Power Level of 5.

  • The Verse of Destruction: This verse will double the strength of Belannaer, giving him an effective Strength of 8.