Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Magic Weapon35 points

When Malekith obliterated the northern citadel of Har Kaldra, he offered neither warning nor quarter. The iron-clad fortress was blasted to rime-scarred splinters with a single cataclysmic spell. Ever after, the freezing north wind has wailed with the agonised voices of those who perished that day, and its chill grasp can be held at bay by neither fur nor fiame. It was from scattered shards of Har Kaldra that the Chillblade was forged. This sword holds a terrible spell of coldness that seeps into the Dark Elf's victim. Its merest touch freezes not only the physical body but also the soul within, leaving the victim paralysed and easy prey for his attacker's next strike.

Attacks made with the Chillblade wound automatically and have the Ice Attacks special rule. For each unsaved Wound suffered from the Chillblade, the target suffers -1 to its Attacks characteristic until the end of this Close Combat phase.