Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Cloak of the Beastlord
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Alone amongst Beastmen, Gorthor does not fear the curse on slaying a Bray-Shaman for he knows that his favour amongst the gods is greater even than theirs. Made from the hides of those shamans he killed on his ride to power, the Cloak of the Beastlord gives Gorthor the power of iron command over his hordes.

The Cloak gives Gorthor a Ward Save equal to the Strength of the attack that hit him. For example, a Strength 3 hit would grant a Ward save (3+), a Strength 5 hit would grant a Ward save (5+), etc. Against Attacks that do not have a Strength value, it provides a Ward Save (6+). In addition, his Inspiring Presence rule is increased to 18".