Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Magic Weapon

Destroyer is an awesome weapon forged with Dark Sorcery by the Witch King of Naggaroth himself in ancient Ulthuan. This blade is a symbol of the Dark Elves' determination to destroy the Elves and all their works. The Destroyer's merest touch can unmake enchantments or even drain knowledge from the minds of unwary wizards – a fine joke which appeals to the Witch King's sardonic sense of humour. It has been the bane of hundreds of heroes and wizards from all the races of the world - but especially the High Elves.

At the start of every Close Combat phase, all enemy models in base contact with Malekith must reveal their magic items. Furthermore, if Malekith scores one or more hits against a model with any magic items, roll a D6; on a 4+, one randomly determined magic item is immediately destroyed and cannot be used further in this game. Do not include Magic items that are mounts, magic items that contain bound spells that miscast earlier in the game, or any magic items labelled as 'one use only' that have been used. In addition, if Wizard suffers one or more unsaved Wounds from Destroyer, roll a D6; on a 4+, the Wizard immediately loses a Wizard level.