Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Gentleman Jenkin's Trusty Compass
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Enchanted Item30 points

Built hundreds of years ago in the far off land of Cathay, the thin needle almost always points south. On some occasions, however, it spins like a top, landing on a single point. Does it point towards the holder's fortune, or his doom? Gentleman Jenkins was said to have voyaged the length (and depths) of the six seas, all thanks to his trusty compass. The privateer captain Gentleman Jenkins carried his trusty compass of wizard manufacture with him everywhere, relying on its ability to give him a heading. None knows what exactly the compass pointed to, but often it would lead Jenkins to dive deep under the seas until one day, only the compass floated back.

The character, and one unit of his choice that he may join, may deploy as Scouts. In addition, they may re-roll all failed rolls to Reform during the Battle.