Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Ghal Maraz
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Magic Weapon

Ghal Maraz, meaning Skull-splitter in the Dwarf tongue, is the legendary two-handed hammer wielded by Sigmar himself when the Empire was forged over two and a half millennia ago. The weapon was given to Sigmar by Kurgan Ironbeard, the ancient Dwarf King, and it is passed down from Emperor to Emperor. This is amongst the most potent magical artefacts ever crafted by the Dwarfs of old, in the days when their power was at its height. It is a magnificent rune-forged weapon that embodies Mankind's triumph over the forces of darkness, and it has been the symbol of the Emperor's office ever since the founding of the Empire. When it strikes the righteous power of the God Sigmar flows into it with a flash of raw magic. Many are the times it has lived up to the title Skull Splitter, for the Empire's rulers have ever led their people to battle upon the field of war.