Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Hellfire Sword
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Magic Weapon35 points

This blade was made from a single, searing flame that was hammered into material form and quenched in the blood of a fire-djinn. Those struck by it are set ablaze and may explode as their blood turns to liquid fire. The Hellfire Sword was first wielded by the Chaos Lord Garathor but, over time, it consumed his lifeforce until nought remained within his armour but ash. When the Hellfire Sword was prised from Garathor's ruined gauntlet years later, it flared so hotly that it fused into its new owner's hand. Eventually, this fool's spirit was also consumed, and the cycle began anew. Since its creation, a hundred mortals have borne this flame-wreathed blade, unaware of their doom until it was too late.

Close combat attacks made with the Hellfire Sword have the Flaming Attacks and Ignores Armour Saves special rules. After all close combat blows have been struck, roll a D6 for every foe slain by the Hellfire Sword - on the roll of a6, the slain foe's body explodes, inflicting an additional D6 Strength 4 hits on the enemy unit with the Flaming Attacks special rule. Unsaved Wounds inflicted in this way count towards the combat result. At the end of each of the wielder's turns, roll a D6; on the roll of a 1, they suffer one Wound with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.