Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Arcane Item50 points

Butchers especially covet the ichor-soaked hearts of Spawn that were once mighty Sorcerers of Chaos. As the fickle powers of the dark gods still reside in such foul organs, a Butcher that can swallow a heart whole can, with a single loud and disgusting belch, issue forth a swirling vortex of magical anarchy. Such a maelstrom is not only malodorous, but will also play havoc with any nearby enemy wizards, subjecting their minds to dangerous currents of deadly magic.

One Use Only. The Hellheart can be used at the start of one of the opposing side's Magic phases, immediately after rolling for the Winds of Magic. All enemy Wizards within 12" of the bearer must roll 2D6 on the Miscast Table. Special rules or magic items that affect a normal miscast roll can be used against miscasts caused by the Hellheart. After resolving all the Miscasts, add an extra dispel dice to the Ogre's dispel pool for each enemy Wizard that was forced to roll on the Miscast table.