Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Lamp of Ala ud-Din
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Enchanted Item25 points

The legend of this relic tells of a fisherman that caught this bottle in his net. A great Genie poured out of it when the seal was broken and went to slay the fisherman for not rescuing it earlier. The Genie was bitter and sought vengeance on the human race. However, the fisherman outsmarted the Genie by claiming it was too large to fit within the bottle. The Genie’s pride got the better of it and it went back into the bottle to prove it could, only to be trapped again by the fisherman. The fisherman threatened to throw the Genie back into the sea, but the Genie promised to mend its ways and now willingly helps any new master for a short time.

One use only. At the start of any of his turns, the bearer of the Lamp of Ala ud-Din may choose to summon a Genie of any type. The Genie must be placed within 6" of the bearer, at least 1" away from any units or impassable terrain. This Genie lasts until the start of the bearer's next turn.