Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Scriptures of the Prophet
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Enchanted Item

The holy words of Mullah Aklan'd is carried out amongst his followers, inspiring them to even greater feats of glory.

At the start of the Arabyan turn, Khalil al-Zahir may call out one of the commands below to any friendly unit with the Zealotry special rule within 12". The chosen effect lasts until the start of the Araby player’s next turn.

  • Strength of The One: The unit may re-roll failed rolls To Hit and To Wound of 1 in Close Combat.

  • Fury of The One: All models in the unit gain +1 Attack.

  • Faith of The One: The unit gains the Immunity (Psychology) and Stubborn special rules.