Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Magic Weapon30 points

The origins of the two-handed obsidian club known as Siegebreaker are unknown, but many notorious Ogre Tyrants have famously wielded it down the ages. It is the very weapon Bruto Thundergut used to smash his way into many of the immense mountaintop fortresses of the Sky-titans many thousands of years ago. Yet not all of the Siegebreaker's deeds are ancient legend, the leader of the Rockheart tribe smashed through the greenskin blockade of Deathpass, and only a few years ago it was used by Tyrant Lug Boulderhead to turn the Dwaffen watchtower atop Ravenpeak into rubble - although Lug was subsequently buried.

Great weapon. Roll To Hit against the enemy's Initiative instead of his Weapon Skill, and no Parry saves are allowed - it is impossible to deflect a blow from the weapon. In addition, when assaulting models in a building, the wielder can make a 'Siegebreaker Attack' instead of attacking normally in the Close Combat phase (though he may still Stomp). A Siegebreaker Attack inflicts D6 hits with a Strength equal to the height of the building in inches, up to a maximum Strength of 10 (so, for example, models in a building that is 6 inches high would suffer D6 Strength 6 hits). Measure from the base of the building to its highest point.