Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Talisman of Qwarr
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Qwarr was the mightiest of all the Great Eagles who ever lived and an ancestor of Gwandor himself. It was Qwarr who slew the ravenous dragon Grathgol when he came to steal eggs from his eyrie. Although the dragon plummeted to his doom, torn by Qwarr's talons, Qwarr himself also perished in the fight. Elves saw this terrible conflict in the air and preserved the mighty talons and beak of Qwarr as a powerful talisman. If the talisman is hung around the neck of a Great Eagle he is protected by the spirit of Qwarr, magically deflecting enemy blows.

Models targeting against Thalandor and Gwandor with missile attacks suffer -1 To Hit.