Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Bad Moon Banner
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Magic Standard40 points

The Bad Moon Banner is a creation of the Night Goblin shamans. When the leering, yellowed face of the Bad Moon Banner rises, all Night Goblins swell with an insane blend of daring and pure battle-madness. The very air about the banner seems to thicken into an inking gloaming. In the shadowy murk, the much-revered moon seems to shine more fully and more sickly still. As the light seems to get sucked away from their surroundings, the Night Goblins cackle and screech their glee. For those nearby, it feels for all the world like the damp and confined air of some darksome tunnel has materialised around them. Just the thing to fill a Night Goblin full of renewed bravery. of a sort.

Night Goblin Big Boss only. Night Goblin models in a unit with the Bad Moon banner are Stubborn. In addition, the banner shrouds the unit in darkness. Enemies suffer -1 To Hit with missile weapons against the bearer and any unit he joins. In addition, any enemy model that charges into base contact with the bearer or the unit must take a Dangerous Terrain test.