Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Battle Standard of Athel Loren
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Magic Standard

The Battle Standard of Athel Loren is woven from the hair of countless Elven maidens who sacrifice some of their golden, silver or russet tresses as strands to be woven into the banner. With each generation more strands are woven into the banner making it more magnificent and more enchanted than before. This battle standard was the one used at the Battle of Creaking Yew. It was borne by Athryn the Strong who was on foot when he was surrounded and cut down by Skaven. Lothlann the Brave rode headlong into the foe and snatched the standard. Seeing the standard rise again the Wood Elves renewed the attack and won the day. The standard depicts the sacred Oak of Ages, the most ancient tree in Loren, the very heart of the forest. It is the custom for Elf maidens, sorrowing for fallen warriors, to sacrifice their tresses to be woven into the standard.

This is the army's Battle Standard. Any enemy spell cast at a friendly unit within 12" of the standard is automatically dispelled on the roll of a 5+.