Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Bow of Loren
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Magic Weapon20 points

Never closer to death has Ariel come than during the assault on Ghrond, when an assassin's knife would have taken her heart, but for the timely intervention and peerless aim of Galed, an archer of Lady Morgalla's household. As reward for this heroic deed, Galed sought only a single perfect hair from his queen's head. This he ever after used to string his enchanted longbow, transforming an already exceptional weapon into a hunter's tool worthy of mighty Kurnous himself. The wielder of the Bow of Loren is therefore considered to be the Fey Queen's champion upon the battlefield, striking down her enemies with unnaturally swift precision.

Asrai Longbow. All shots from the Bow of Loren are resolved at Strength 4 with Multiple Shots (A) special rule. Multiple Shots (A) means the bow fires a number of shots equal to the wielder's Attacks characteristic. It cannot fire enchanted arrows.

Note that if Sceolan is included in your army, no other model may be given the Bow of Loren.