Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Liber Bubonicus
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Arcane Item

This foul book is inscribed with the clandestine lores of corrupt magic, and contains the secrets of every pestilence and plague in the world. Every disease created and every foul experiment must be marked down in the Liber Bubonicus, the Book of Woe. This is the collected wisdom of Clan Pestilens, a manifesto of corruption and plague since the clan's emergence in the Lustrian jungles. Each Plague Deacon must track and record the many developed strains of death - both their composition and their effect on the living. Each of the different sects or orders of Plague Monks keep their own Book of Woe, updated daily by a Plague Priest, a devotee who has long studied the poisonous volume. Each vile tome is key to all Clan Pestilens rituals and its loss would be unbearable to an order of Plague Monks. Once every 13 full turns of Morrslieb, all Plague Priests must travel to the Southlands to the hidden temple-capital of Clan Pestilens and present their book to Arch Plaguelord Nurglitch. Thus are new diseases recorded in the master Book of Woe, a tome so dangerous that few can abide its presence and live.

Bound Spell (power level 5). The Liber Bubonicus contains a direct damage spell with a range of 24". When cast, roll a D6 to see the effect:




Squeaking, Squealing Nonsense. No effect.


A Withering Pox. Each model in the unit suffers a Strength 1 hit with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.


Death Plague. Each model in the unit suffers a Strength 2 hit with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.