Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Sacrificial Dagger
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Arcane Item25 points

This dagger is a tiny splinter of the cruel weapon wielded by Hekarti, Goddess of Dark Magic. It was shivered from her blade during a failed attempt to sacrifice her sister, Atharti, to an older and darker power than she. The shard was flung far and came to rest in the caverns beneath Ghrond. Here, amongst the bleached bones and rubble, it was discovered by Khaeleth the Sorceress. She claimed the dagger as her own and learned how to unlock its power to transmute the soul-essence of living creatures into a raw and hungry magic. So began Khaeleth's rise to the foremost seat of power within the Dark Convent of Ghrond, an elevation marked by blood sacrifice and the darkest of sorceries. Bound with enchantments of bloodletting and spiritbinding, the sacrificial dagger is used to leech the life force from its victims and channel it into raw magic.

Once per casting attempt, after the casting dice are rolled but before a dispel attempt is made, the bearer of this magic item can sacrifice one model in her unit. Choose which model is sacrificed - it is immediately removed as a casualty with no saves of any kind allowed - then roll a D6. On a 4+, the Sorceress gains an extra power dice that must be rolled and added to the casting result; dispel attempts can now be made and the spell resolved. This can be used to allow the Wizard to use more dice than is normally allowed by their Wizard level. On a roll of 3 or less, the sacrifice has not generated enough power - you can either immediately sacrifice another model from the unit and roll again, following the procedure above, or accept the original casting result (if the bearer is the only model remaining in the unit, no further sacrifices can be attempted).