Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Slayer of Kings
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Magic Weapon

The artefact of Chaos known as the Slayer of Kings is perhaps the mightiest magical weapon in the Warhammer world. Inside this blade is trapped the Greater Daemon U'zuhl, bound to the sword by the Second Chosen, Vangel. Aeons of imprisonment inside the blade have driven the Daemon insane with rage. In battle, the blade moans with barely contained fury. In dire circumstances, the bound essence of the U’zuhl can be unleashed, turning the blade into a blur of utmost butchery. It is a truly mighty weapon that is just as dangerous to its user as it is to his enemies.

The Slayer of Kings has the Ignores Armour Saves special rule. In addition, Archaon may unleash the power of U'zuhl in any Close Combat phase. If he does this, he fights with double his normal number of Attacks (to a maximum of 10) but any rolls To Hit of a 1 will strike either himself or a friendly model in base contact (controlling player's choice). Archaon may not re-roll To Hit results of a 1 when unleashing U'zuhl. Once U'zuhl is unleashed, Archaon must use this special ability in every close combat he is subsequently involved in for the rest of the battle.