Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

The Virtuous Lance
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Magic Weapon

When Jasperre set out on his grail quest, be took the Virtuous Lance from the grail chapel of Sancerre, fancying that its long steel shaft and keen tip would make it an ideal weapon to employ against Dragons. He was well guided by the Lady in his choice, for the weapon has never failed him and many are the Dragons who have felt its sharp point piercing their scales. The lance is festooned with ladies' favours tied on by grateful damsels rescued by the dashing Jasperre.

Lance. This lance gives Jasperre the Strength Bonus (1) and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules when he charges. When fighting Monsters, once you have established how many wounds have been inflicted, roll a D6 and add the number of wounds caused to the score. If the total is equal to 6 or more the Virtuous Lance has pierced the monster's heart and slain it – remove the model as a casualty. Note that Jasperre must cause at least one Wound for this rule to take effect.