Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Magic Weapon35 points

A legendary weapon of old, the Thundermace is made from a great hunk taken out of an unfeasibly large foundation stone from the base of a skycastle. The great weaponhead is bound with meteoric iron onto a long stout tree trunk. When brought down over the head, the accumulated force of several tons of masonry explodes outward from the point of impact. It is said that the rumbling aftershocks of a blow from the Thundermace can be heard for miles and there have been several times in its storied history when particularly prodigious blows have started avalanches.

Great weapon. The wielder may choose to exchange all of his Attacks in close combat to make a single 'Thundercrush Attack'. Roll To Hit against the highest Weapon Skill amongst the enemy models in base contact. If the Thundercrush Attack hits, place the small template anywhere so that it is touching the wielder's base. Any infantry, war beasts or swarm models that lie underneath the template (friend or foe!) suffer a single Strength 3 hit. The model under the template's central hole instead suffers a single Strength 9 hit with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. A model with any other troop type beneath the template is too big to be crushed, and doesn't suffer any hits.