Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Treasure Map
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Enchanted Item

Mydas has a treasure map on which are marked the hiding places of several paychests which he has heroically rescued from the confusion of battle when defeat seemed inevitable. He keeps the map stuffed down his leggings. The map is drawn on an old scroll which he found in Gridi's treasure chests. On the reverse of the parchment are a number of strange Lizardmen glyphs. Mydas does not know or care what these are and thinks they are meaningless doodles by some demented wizard. In reality the scroll is a magical 'warrant of trust' carried by Skink interpreters to give them an aura of credibility when dealing with or misleading outsiders. Some adventurer long ago must have acquired this in Lustria, thinking it was worth something to a wizard, and eventually it found its way into the Dwarf pirate's chest.

At the start of each of your turns, roll a D6 and consult the table below to see what effect the promises of Mydas' Treasure Map have:




'A bonus for all my loyal and trusty henchmen!' This is a promise which Mydas often makes to his paychest bodyguards. The bodyguards become even more determined to defend the paychest and Paymaster to the death.

Until the start of your next turn, Mydas' Bodyguards gain +1 to hit in close combat.


'The paychest is safe with me lads!' The mercenaries become confident that Mydas will look after their pay beyond the call of duty.

Until the start of your next turn, all friendly units within 12" of Mydas are Stubborn.


'If we win the battle, all mercenaries will receive a bonus!' This encourages all mercenary regiments to fight harder and with more determination.

Until the start of your next turn, all friendly units within 12" of Mydas add +1 to their combat resolution.