From the shriek of a Terrorgheist to Festus’s Vials of Putrescence, there are few weapons as strange as the Venom Staff of High Queen Khalida. This tall staff, which at a glance appears to be a simple rod of metal fashioned in the image of a snake, is actually something entirely more dangerous. The Venom Staff has the power to writhe and lunge at Khalida’s foes, acting as if a live animal. Worse even than that, however, is that it spits at her enemies, unleashing volleys of magic energy imbued with the power of the Khemrian goddess Asaph.
Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)
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Arcane Item
Bound Spell (power level 5). The Venom Staff contains a magic missile with a range of 24". If successfully cast, the target takes 2D6 Strength 4 hits.