Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Arcane Items
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Arcane items are items that enhance a Wizard's magical powers in some fashion. Only a character with a Wizard level can carry Arcane Items. Characters with no sensitivity to magical essences and mysteries will either find an Arcane Item useless and inert, or have their brains sucked out through their ears should they try to use it. Unlike other magic items; Wizards can take up to two Arcane Items. If they do so, one of their Arcane items must be marked as "one use only". Note that they may not take two "one use only" items.

Channeling Staff(Arcane Item)40 points

A staff of pure silver etched with all eight runes from the magic wheel. Such an item can only enhance a Wizard's ability to channel.

The Wizard adds +1 to all of their channelling attempts.

Destroy Magic Scroll(Arcane Item)35 points

This scroll of parchment contains an anti-magical enchantment so powerful that it may permanently destroy the spell of an enemy wizard.

One use only. When an enemy cast a spell, the bearer may immediately counter its effects by reading the Destroy Magic Scroll to release the spell written upon it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This gives them 6 free dispel dice to attempt to dispel the spell, which cannot be combined with any other dispel dice (Ultimate Power applies as normal). In addition, roll a D6. On a 4+, the spell is destroyed and the enemy caster loses access to the spell for the rest of the game (note that this has no effect on Innate Bound spells).

Feedback Scroll(Arcane Item)35 points

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Feedback Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, roll a dice for every dice used to cast the spell. The casting Wizard suffer 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves for every result of 5+ rolled.

Sivejir's Hex Scroll(Arcane Item)35 points

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Hex Scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but a portion of the spell's energy is transformed and redirected at the caster. The enemy wizard can resist the spell's effects by rolling equal to or under his wizard level on a D6. If he fails, an amphibian transformation takes hold and he becomes a small, slimy toad! Whilst transformed, the wizard cannot channel or cast spells, all of his magic items and mundane equipment (armour, weapons, etc.) temporarily stop working and all of his characteristics are reduced to 1 (except for his wounds, which are unaffected). His controlling player can roll a D6 at the start of each of his subsequent magic phases; the spell dissipates on a roll of 4+ and the wizard returns to his normal form (but still attempts to eat flies for several days afterward).

Rod of Power(Arcane Item)30 points

The Rod of Power is carved from wood and inlaid with runes of ruby and jet. A nimbus of multi-coloured light plays about it when it is in the hands of a wizard. The Rod of Power is capable of storing power drawn from the winds of magic.

At the end of each magic phase (yours and enemy's), you can save up to three unused power/dispel dice from the pool and store them in the rod. At the beginning of each successive magic phase (yours and enemy's), roll a dice. If the result is equal or higher to the number of dice stored, add them to the power/dispel dice pool, if the result is lower than the number of dice stored, they are lost.

Dispel Scroll(Arcane Item)25 points

This scroll of parchment contains a powerful dispel – an anti-magic enchantment that may be used by a wizard to cancel out the spell of another wizard.

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a wizard who has a dispel scroll can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell by using dispel dice. This gives them 6 free dispel dice to attempt to dispel the spell, which cannot be combined with any other dispel dice (Ultimate Power applies as normal). This may also be used to dispel spells that Remains in Play.

The Mystic Shield of Brag(Arcane Item)25 points

This scroll of parchment contains a powerful anti-magic enchantment that may be used by a wizard to block the spell of an enemy spellcaster. A glowing silver barrier shimmers into existence directly in the path of the spell. The hostile spell bounces off this barrier and has no effect at all.

One use only. The Mystic Shield of Brag may be used against any enemy spell that directly targets any friendly unit. The enemy spell has no effect.

Scroll of Leeching(Arcane Item)25 points

This tattered and stained scroll should not be held in one's hand for long as it steals all manner of essence, including magical power.

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Leeching can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but, after the spell has been resolved, the bearer of the scroll adds a number of dispel dice to his pool equal to the number of dice used to cast the spell.

Book of Ashur(Arcane Item)20 points

This ancient tome, bound in ancient dragon hide, is purported to contain much wisdom on the conjuring and subjugation of spells. The Book of Ashur is purported to contain knowledge of all the spells in the world. Though lost or stolen many times, the book has always found its way back into the hands of those who can be corrupted by the knowledge it contains. A wizard carrying it gains in magical accomplishment.

Mystic Maze(Arcane Item)20 points

This scroll contains an anti-magic enchantment that may be used by a Wizard to misdirect an enemy spell. A magical maze appears around the unit. The spell is drawn into this maze, whizzes around inside and then flies out in a random direction.

One use only. The Mystic Maze may be used against any enemy spell that directly targets any friendly unit. Roll 3D6 measured from the centre of the unit; this is the distance the spell scatters in a random direction. Should the spell end up on another unit, this unit will become the target of the spell; otherwise the spell has no effect.

Power Familiar(Arcane Item)20 points

A Power Familiar attracts raw magic power to its owner.

The Familiar adds one Power Dice in each of your Magic phases. Only the owner may use this power dice.

Sceptre of Stability(Arcane Item)20 points

The sceptre is an anti-magic totem, vanquishing spellcraft that gets too close to its wielder.

The bearer gains a +1 bonus to the result of their spell dispelling attempts.

Trickster's Shard(Arcane Item)20 points

A shard of pure aqua, its surface ripples with a malevolent curse bestowed upon it by the Trickster.

One use only. Declare you are using this item at the start of one of your magic phases. For the duration of the phase, when one of the bearer's spells is dispelled by an enemy wizard, roll a D6. On a 4+, that wizard suffers a wound with no armour saves allowed.

Wand of Jet(Arcane Item)20 points

The bearer of this black wand carved from jet, flecked in glowing jade, and enchanted and carved with arcane sigils, can draw in and focus the winds of magic.

The bearer gains a +1 bonus to the result of their spell casting attempts.

Earthing Rod(Arcane Item)15 points

When planted in the ground this obsidian rod becalms the arcane winds for the briefest moment, allowing the Wizard to cast one of their powerful enchantments unopposed.

One use only. If the wizard rolls on the miscast table they can choose to re-roll the result.

Forbidden Rod(Arcane Item)15 points

This marble and golden-laced artefact can summon the Winds of Magic, but at a cost to the user.

One use only. The Forbidden Rod adds +D6 dice to the power pool at the start of the caster's own magic phase, but also inflicts 1 Wound which Ignores Armour Saves on the bearer.

Hypnotic Eye Scroll(Arcane Item)15 points

This scroll of parchment contains a powerful dispel. A glowing eye appears in front of the enemy wizard and hypnotizes them. A Wizard may use this anti-magic enchantment to cancel out an enemy spell and possibly even control it themselves!

One use only. The Hypnotic Eye Scroll can be used whenever an enemy wizard successfully casts a spell instead of attempting to dispel. The casting wizard must pass a Leadership test; if failed, you may choose the target of the spell just as if you had cast the spell yourself. If no target can be chosen, the spell has no effect. Note that the spell is still cast from the original Wizard as normal.

Power Scroll(Arcane Item)15 points

Scrawled upon the Power Scroll are runes to boost the power of a single spell. Use it wisely…

One use only. A Power Scroll can be used when the Wizard makes a casting attempt. During that casting attempt, any roll of a double (except 1's) counts as a 6 for the purpose of resolving Ultimate Power.

The Gem of Taranto(Arcane Item)10 points

This sparkling turquoise crystal circles above the wizard's head. When its magic is invoked, it can suck an enemy wizard's spell into itself. If the wizard then swallows the stone he will gain knowledge of the enemy spell, and will be able to cast it in battle.

One use only. The Gem of Taranto can be used whenever you successfully dispel an enemy spell (except Bound Spells). The bearer of the Gem will be able to cast the spell themselves (limited by their Wizard level as normal) for the remainder of the game, even if it is from a lore not normally available to them.

Luckstone(Arcane Item)10 points

Charged with divinatory power, these stones are very useful when a Wizard is manipulating the delicate balance of the Winds of Magic. Those that carry the Luckstone are said to cheat fate, for a time at any rate.

One use only. The bearer can re-roll all of the dice rolled to cast or dispel a spell. This can effectively cancel a miscast result, and cause Ultimate Power or a miscast.

Power Stone(Arcane Item)10 points

With a Power Stone, a Wizard can focus the Wind of Magic to cast some of the most powerful spells with ease. Constructing these stones is extremely difficult, requiring an involved ritual known only to a few Master Wizards or Wizard Lords. When a magic user rubs a power stone, the artefact glows for a split second before dulling forever. However, in that moment, the Winds of Magic blow a tempest!

One use only. The Wizard can declare that they are using the power stone immediately before casting a spell. If they do so, +D3 dice are added to the power dice that they are going to roll (you still need to roll at least one dice from the power pool).

Scroll of Shielding(Arcane Item)10 points

Upon the Scroll of Shielding is a crude drawing of a warrior's shield displaying an unknown crest of a kingdom long lost.

One use only. When an enemy spell has been cast, a Wizard who has a Scroll of Shielding can read it instead of attempting to dispel the spell. The spell is cast as normal, but the target of the spell is granted Magic Resistance (3) against the spell.

Spell Familiar(Arcane Item)10 points

A Spell Familiar is a familiar that memorises spells on its master's behalf, offering its master a better choice of deadly spells to unleash in battle.

The Wizard knows one additional spell from those normally allowed to them.

Wizard's Staff(Arcane Item)10 points

Throughout the Warhammer World, many Wizards carry a staff as a mark of their office and as an aid in the focussing and control of sorcerous powers.

The Wizard's Staff allows the bearer to use one more dice than they are normally allowed to when casting a spell (eg, a Wizard that can normally use up to two dice to cast spells will be able to use up to three dice).

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