Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Blessed Heirlooms of Bretonnia
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This section contains the rules and background for some of the most iconic and powerful magical artefacts used by the Bretonnians. These may be used in addition to the magic items found in the Warhammer rulebook. Bretonnian characters equipped with a normal lance and a magic weapon may use their lance when charging and then use the magic weapon in the second and subsequent turns of a close combat.

Magic Weapons

The Silver Lance of the Blessed(Magic Weapon)70 points

Forged by Gilles himself the Silver Lance of the Blessed can only be carried by one who is completely pure of heart. To grasp the lance is said to be the true test of courage and spiritual strength, for an aspirant who is found wanting will be consumed by searing white flame.

Lance. If the model has the Blessing of the Lady, then all attacks with the Silver Lance of the Blessed automatically hit. In addition, all successful enemy armour saves and Ward saves must be re-rolled. However, if the model wielding the lance flees for any reason, he suffers D6 Flaming Strength 4 hits with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Sword of Heroes(Magic Weapon)40 points

This mighty blade has powerful enchantments against evil bound into it, designed to be the bane of large monsters and other tough opponents. Forged under the midsummer sun and quenched in manticore's blood, its long and bloody history has seen its wielders kill enough fantastical creatures to fill Leoncoeur's menagerie many times over.

Against enemies that have Toughness 5 or greater, the bearer gets +2 Strength and the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

Sword of the Lady's Champion(Magic Weapon)30 points

On the eve of battle, a knight that kneels to pray beside a body of still water may be rewarded with the vision of a pale, slender hand emerging from the water, with a beautiful blade grasped within its delicate fingers.

Character with the Grail Vow only. The character always counts their Strength as one higher than their target's Toughness, unless their Strength would normally be more than this.

Magic Armour

Cuirass of Fortune(Magic Armour)25 points

The Cuirass is a remarkable piece of equipment forged by the mad artificer Gurdilloue the Blatantly Insane. It is fashioned with lucky emblems and enchanted runes to consecrate it and provide good fortune. Any who possess the armour not only find their blows more accurate, but also enjoy the favour of maidens and oddly generous merchants.

Heavy armour. The Knight may re-roll 1's when rolling To Hit, To Wound and when making armour saves.


Sirienne's Locket(Talisman)55 points

The damsel Sirienne was as skilled at conventional arts as she was at the art of magic. She gifts her paramours with one of these exquisite protective charms to wear above their heart, with a likeness of the Lady on one half of the locket and her own on the other. The fact that more than one knight claims to own Sirienne's Locket says more about its creator than its bearer.

Bretonnian Lord only. A model with Sirienne's Locket has Immunity (Killing Blow, Multiple Wounds) and can never suffer more than one wound in any one phase. After the first wound in that phase is suffered, all subsequent wounds suffered during that phase are ignored. The bearer can still be run down by pursuing enemies as normal, and may still be affected as normal by other "instant kill" attacks.

Arcane Items

The Silver Mirror(Arcane Item)45 points

This lethal trinket is at first sight a vanity mirror, but woe betide the magic user that underestimates its true abilities: even reflections have power in the realm of magic...

One use only. When used, the bearer of the Silver Mirror deflects a spell cast at her or the unit she is with back at the enemy caster. The enemy can try to dispel their own spell as normal using any remaining Power dice or Dispel dice. This item has no effect on spells that do not specifically target the bearer or the unit she is with.

Chalice of Malfleur(Arcane Item)15 points

This jewel-studded chalice has been fashioned in the likeness of a skull, and will give any who continually sup from it one of two things: salvation or death.

At the start of the opponent's Magic phase, the bearer may drink from the Chalice. If she does so, on the roll of a 1 she suffers a wound with no saves allowed, including Ward saves. On a roll of 2-6, an extra Dispel dice is added to the player's pool.

Enchanted Items

Tress of Isoulde(Enchanted Item)15 points

Isoulde, a damsel known for her terrifying wrath towards the foes of Bretonnia, imbued this delicate braid of hair with enchantments of vengeance and righteous anger.

One use only. Nominate one enemy model in base contact at the beginning of any Close Combat phase (after challenges). The bearer hits that model on a 2+ for that Close Combat round, regardless of other modifiers.

Magic Standards

Banner of Defense(Magic Standard)25 points

The simple device embroidered into this banner in an interlocking pattern actually hides a powerful symbol capable of stopping even a cannon ball in its tracks.

As long as the unit is affected by the Blessing of the Lady, all models in a unit with the Banner gain a 4+ Ward save against all missile attacks (including magic missiles). If the Blessing of the Lady is lost, then the Banner loses this ability.

Errantry Banner(Magic Standard)25 points

This tattered banner has been across the length and breadth of the Old World and beyond, whipped by the arctic winds of the Troll Country and bleached by the burning sun of Araby. It instils its bearers with fiery zeal and holy strength.

Knight Errant unit only. All Knights Errant in the unit get a +1 Strength bonus on any turn they charge. However, a unit with this banner suffers -2 to its Ld for any Impetuous tests.

Next - Virtues of the Chivalric Knight