Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Inquisitorial Powers
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Inquisitorial Powers may be chosen by Inquisitors as described in the army list. Each power may only be chosen once per army.

Holocaust(Ability)40 points

One use only. Holocaust may be used at the start of any close combat phase. Place the small round template anywhere in base contact with the Inquisitor. All models, friend or foe, covered by the template suffer a Strength 4 hit with the Magical Attacks special rule. Against models with the Daemonic, Undead and Vampiric special rules, as well as Wizards, the Strength is increased to 5.

Divine Pronouncement(Ability)35 points

Divine Pronouncement may be used at the start of your Movement phase. One enemy unit within 18" and Line of Sight must immediately take a Panic test with a negative modifier equal to the difference of the Leadership between the Inquisitor and the enemy unit.

Sanctuary(Ability)35 points

One use only. Sanctuary may be used at the start of your turn as long as no enemy units are within 1". Until the start of your next turn, enemy units cannot move within 1" of the Inquisitor or his unit – they are treated as impassable terrain. If the Inquisitor and his unit moves within 1" of an enemy unit, the effect is lost.

Sword of the Witches(Ability)30 points

At the start of your Magic phase, all enemy Wizards within 12" of the Inquisitor must pass a Leadership test or suffer D3 Strength 4 hits with the Magical Attacks special rule.

Purge(Ability)25 points

Purge may be used in your Magic phase. Choose one enemy unit within 24" and Line of Sight. Both players roll a D6 and add the Leadership of their respective units. If the Inquisitor scores higher than the target, the target's Leadership is reduced by 3 until the start of your next Magic phase.

Scourging(Ability)25 points

Scourging may be used in your Shooting phase like a missile attack. It has a range of 18" and causes D3 automatic Strength 5 hits with the Magical Attacks special rule on the target.

Her Will Be Done(Ability)15 points

Every unsaved wound inflicted by the Inquisitor's normal Attacks in Close Combat counts as two for the purposes of combat resolution.

Might of the Goddess(Ability)15 points

Might of the Goddess may be used at the start of any close combat the Inquisitor is involved in by passing a Leadership test. If successful, the Inquisitor's Strength is doubled until the start of the next close combat phase.

Word of Myrmidia(Ability)10 points

All enemy units attempting to charge the Inquisitor or his unit must pass a Psychology test. If they fail, they may not charge that turn.

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