Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Powers of Khorne
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The following powers may only be taken by models with the Mark of Khorne or Daemon of Khorne.

Blood Fever(Ability)25 points

The frenzy of the warrior is such that a cloud of ruddy mist surrounds him, inducing an uncontrollable fury in everyone nearby.

The model will never lose their Frenzy for any reason. In addition, any unit, friend or foe, that is in base contact with them at the start of their Movement phase becomes subject to Frenzy for the rest of that turn. If they already have the Frenzy special rule, they instead gain +1 Attack, but will have to re-roll any successful Berserk Rage roll.

Bloodcurdling Roar(Ability)25 points

The favoured one screams the name of his god with such earsplitting volume that those opposing him find their brains bleeding and their thoughts befuddled.

At the start of the first round of close combat, all enemy units in base contact suffer D6 Strength 2 hits which Ignores Armour Saves.

Fury of the Blood God(Ability)25 points

The favoured one bristles with elemental wrath, and the purity of his anger deadens magic in his vicinity.

The model gains the Hatred special rule. Any Wizard within 12" of the character suffer -D3 to each of their casting rolls.

Deafening Bellow(Ability)20 points

The warrior can roar the name of his god at such an intense volume that the ground trembles, stones crack and the ear drums of the enemy shatter.

On the turn that the character charges, all enemy units in base contact suffer -1 To Hit in close combat.

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