A Dragon Slayer or Daemon may be given one or more of the Slayer Skills below, as detailed in the army list:
Each wound inflicted by the Slayer counts double towards that round's Combat Resolution (excluding Wounds from Overkill in a challenge).
The Slayer gains a number of Attacks equal to the number of enemy models in base contact with him.
The Slayer has the Killing Blow ability.
There are many wards of Grimnir. It is believed that certain slayer tattoos possess the power to deflect missiles and magic, it being the will of Grimnir that the Dwarf be allowed to seek his death at close quarters against the mightiest foe possible.
A model with Wards of Grimnir have the Magic Resistance (1) and Ward save (6+) special rule against missile attacks.
Against enemies with Toughness 5 or higher, the Slayer may re-roll failed rolls To Wound.