Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Weapon Runes
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Weapon runes are inscribed onto hammers or axes to turn them into runic weapons. If a model is permitted to take a runic weapon, he may choose weapon runes from the following list and apply them to his hand weapon.

Master Rune of Smiting(Magic Weapon)35 points

This rune was previously only known on the Axe of Dargo wielded by the Kings of Karak Kadrin. However, King Ungrim Ironfist gifted the Rundrokikron, an ancient tome of rune lore etched on wafer sheets of gromril, which was kept in the treasure troves of Karak Kadrin, to Thorgrim Grudgebearer, the King of Karaz-a-Karak.

Master Rune of Death(Magic Weapon)30 points

This is one of the most awesome ancient Dwarf runes. It is said to have been engraved upon the weapon with which Grungni slew Urmskaladrak, the father of all dragons.

A weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Death grants its wielder the Heroic Killing Blow special rule.

Master Rune of Dragon Slaying(Magic Weapon)30 points

This rune seems to portray a stretched hide and thus stands for a slain monster. The origin of the rune is old, and probably reflects the frequent invasion of Dwarf strongholds by Dragons attracted by the smell of gold and the gleam of treasure hoards. It may indicate the former existence of an ancient and now extinct cult of Dwarf Dragon Slayers, for whom this rune was devised. This would have been most likely during the golden age of Karaz-a-Karak. With this rune many great wyrms of the ages have been slain.

Against Dragons and Drakes, a weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Dragon Slaying will always wound on a To Wound roll of 2+ and has the Multiple Wounds (2) special rule.

Master Rune of Alaric the Mad(Magic Weapon)25 points

The famed Runesmith who forged the famous and rightly feared Runefangs of the Elector Counts of the Empire. Alaric made twelve swords, one for each of Sigmar's warlords in return for his help in recapturing Alaric's stronghold of Zhufbar after it had been overrun by Orcs. Alaric kept his word and delivered twelve rune swords to the Imperial counts. The forging took so long that Sigmar had long passed from his mortal form, but the swords were presented to his successor, the Emperor. No one knows exactly what happened to Alaric after this. Some say he wrought rune weapons for the Khan Queens of Kislev, possibly even the dreaded blade Fearfrost.

Master Rune of Breaking(Magic Weapon)25 points

First used during the War of Vengeance, this rune was inscribed upon King Gorrin's axe, which destroyed the High Elf General Elthior's enchanted blade. It has become a popularly used rune ever since. Runesmiths take particular delight in the sound of the inferior works of other races breaking like icicles beneath a hammer blow.

If a model with a weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Breaking scores one or more successful hits against a model, the foe's weapon or armour is destroyed on a D6 roll of 2+ (roll once, regardless of the number of successful hits). If the foe has more than one piece of equipment (note that two hand weapons count as one), roll a D6 to randomly determine which one is destroyed.

Master Rune of Snorri Spangelhelm(Magic Weapon)25 points

Runesmith to the High King of Karaz-a-Karak during the time of Kallon Vikramsson, Snorri wrought the exquisite war panoply of the High Kings for several generations. He fought in many battles and was renowned for his magnificent gromril armour as well as this unique weapon rune. This unique suit of mail and plate was strong enough to turn the hardest blade or heaviest blow and yet was as light and flexible as silk. Such is the awesomeness of his work that it still brings tears to a Runesmith's eyes.

A weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Snorri Spangelhelm always hits on a To Hit roll of 2+.

Master Rune of Swiftness(Magic Weapon)25 points

This rune was first struck by Thurgrom the Hermit, the last Runesmith to work in the High Elf cities of the Old World, now reduced to ruins throughout the Empire and Bretonnia. The name of this rune suggests Elven influence which seems to confirm the story that Thurgard stole the ritual from the Elves and devised his own rune using Elven magical words in the ritual incantations. Since his lore is kept so utterly secret by his descendants, this is impossible to confirm.

Rune of Daemon Slaying(Magic Weapon)25/50/100 points

A potent rune from the days of the Ancestor Gods, this rune is very powerful against daemons.

Against any model with the Daemonic special rule, a weapon engraved with a Rune of Daemon Slaying receives a +1 bonus To Hit and To Wound.

Against any model with the Daemonic special rule, a weapon engraved with two Runes of Daemon Slaying receives a +1 bonus To Hit and To Wound and gains the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule.

Against any model with the Daemonic special rule, a weapon engraved with three Runes of Daemon Slaying hits and Wounds on a roll of 2+, has the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule and no ward saves can be taken against it.

Rune of Might(Magic Weapon)25/35 points

Though short in stature, a Dwarf using a weapon inscribed with this rune is a powerful opponent, and can fell a Giant in a flurry of axe blows.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Might doubles its wielder's Strength against foes of Toughness 5 or higher in close combat.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Might maintains the previous effect, and grants the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule against foes of Toughness 5 or higher in close combat. A third Rune of Might has no further effect.

Grudge Rune(Magic Weapon)20 points

Often an enemy's misdeeds are so great that a Dwarf will have this rune put upon his weapon and will not rest until his foe pays for his wrongs with blood. Only when his foe is slain will the rune grow dim.

For each Grudge Rune in your army, nominate one enemy character or monster at the beginning of the game. The wielder of a weapon engraved with a Grudge Rune gains +1 To Hit and can re-roll failed To Wound rolls in close combat when attacking the nominated model. Multiples of this rune have no further effect.

Master Rune of Banishment(Magic Weapon)20 points

This rune is said to have been devised by Snorri Spangelhelm so he could safely delve into ancient burial mounds in search of artefacts without fear of anything lurking there. It is commonly used on burial goods, interred with Dwarf Lords to prevent their vaults becoming inhabited by wights and ghouls. Should any such weapons be recovered by living warriors they are exceptionally potent against all kinds of undead and ethereal creatures.

A weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Banishment may re-roll failed To Wound rolls against models with the Ethereal, Undead or Vampiric special rule.

Master Rune of Flight(Magic Weapon)20 points

This rune has been used to surprise the Dwarfs' foes since the world was young. The original inscription for this rune did not specify that the hammer return to the wielder's band, and many Dwarfs found themselves knocked unconscious as their own weapons returned to them.

A weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Flight can be thrown like a throwing weapon with a range of up to 12" which always hits on a roll of 2+. Roll To Wound as if the target had suffered a hit from the weapon in close combat.

Any additional runes on the weapon will also take effect. After this, the weapon flies back to the wielder. A weapon with the Master Rune of Flight can also be used in close combat as normal.

Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer (Magic Weapon)20 points

A legendary Runesmith who worked in Karaz-a-Karak in the earliest days, Skalf forged many great hammers, and some say even Sigmar's hammer was his work. Many of his hammers were later held by Dwarf Lords as heirlooms of their power and kingship.

A weapon engraved with the Master Rune of Skalf Blackhammer will Wound any model not in magic armour on a To Wound roll of 2+, regardless of the target's Toughness. Against models in magic armour, a roll of 3+ is required.

Rune of Parrying(Magic Weapon)20 points

This rune clearly depicts a weapon which has been stopped from penetrating or hitting. A weapon with this rune moves to block incoming attacks, making its wielder extremely hard To Hit.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Parrying causes all enemy models attempting to attack its wielder in close combat to suffer a -1 penalty on their To Hit rolls. Multiples of this rune have no further effect.

Rune of Dismay(Magic Weapon)15/25 points

The uncanny glow of this rune is an awe-inspiring sight, apt to fill foes with dread.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Dismay grants its wielder the Fear special rule.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Dismay grants its wielder the Terror special rule. A third Rune of Dismay has no further effect.

Rune of Fury(Magic Weapon)15/25/50 points

This is especially favoured for inscribing on hammers made in Karak-a-Karaz and is usually the sign of a weapon made for a particularly strong Dwarf. Several ancestors are credited with its invention leading to much enmity between their descendants! Bright and angry glow the Runes of Fury. The Dwarf wielding the weapon must concentrate upon an unavenged grudge, causing him to become enraged at the wrongs his race have endured.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Fury grants its wielder +1 Attack.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Fury grants its wielder +1 Attack and the Frenzy special rule.

A weapon engraved with three Runes of Fury grants its wielder +1 Attack and the Frenzy special rule and, after each successful roll To Hit and to Wound, it grants its user another Attack; roll To Hit and To Wound as normal. Attacks generated in this way do not generate further Attacks.

Rune of Striking(Magic Weapon)10/30/40 points

A weapon with this rune moves to strike the foe's most vulnerable area with an uncanny precision.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Striking grants its wielder +1 Weapon Skill.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Striking grants its wielder +1 Weapon Skill and allows its wielder to re-roll failed To Hit rolls in close combat.

A weapon engraved with three Runes of Striking grants its wielder Weapon Skill 10 and allows him to re-roll failed To Hit rolls in close combat.

Master Rune of Kragg the Grim(Magic Weapon)5 points

This rune was commonplace in the past but its secrets had been lost to the centuries. However, Dwarf adventurers in Karak Azgal discovered several axes bearing the rune and carried one to Karaz-a-Karak where it came into the possession of the Master Runesmith, Kragg the Grim. By dint of long study, Kragg came to understand the secrets of the rune and how to inscribe it. The jealous old Runelord might have kept the secret to himself but, knowing that other Runesmiths were probably studying it, elected to share the knowledge and thereby gained the credit for deciphering the secret.

This rune can only be placed on great weapons. It allows the great weapon to be inscribed with runes.

Rune of Cleaving(Magic Weapon)5/20/35 points

This was invented by Dwarfs even before it was used by Elves, and long before any men ever thought of it. Once again this rune is of such antiquity that it cannot be attributed to any particular Runesmith, though it is credited to several ancestors. Originally forged upon the pickaxes of miners, enabling them to break through the hardest rock.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Cleaving has the Armour Piercing (1) special rule.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Cleaving has the Armour Piercing (1) special rule, and additionally grants its wielder +1 Strength.

A weapon engraved with three Runes of Cleaving has the Armour Piercing (1) special rule, and additionally grants its wielder +1 Strength and the Killing Blow special rule.

Rune of Fire(Magic Weapon)5/35/55 points

A skilled Runesmith is able to inscribe this rune on the metal when it is still white hot from the forge.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Fire has the Flaming Attacks special rule.

A weapon engraved with two Runes of Fire has the Flaming Attacks special rule, and grants its wielder a Strength 4 Breath Weapon with the Flaming Attacks special rule.

A weapon engraved with three Runes of Fire has the Flaming Attacks special rule, and grants its wielder a Strength 4 Breath Weapon that has the Flaming Attacks and Multiple Wounds (D3) special rules.

Rune of Speed(Magic Weapon)5 points

This rune enhances its bearer's awareness and quickness so that he moves more fluidly, taking faster opponents by surprise.

A weapon engraved with a Rune of Speed grants its wielder +1 Initiative. Each Rune of Speed adds +1 Initiative.

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