Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Rally Fleeing Units
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The player takes Leadership tests for each fleeing unit they have. If the test is passed, the unit stops fleeing and immediately reforms. A unit that has 25% or less of its starting models left have their Leadership halved (rounded up).

Battlefields are grim and deadly places, where the threat of death (or a fate worse than death!) forever lurks. As the game goes on, some of your warriors will inevitably lose heart or be terrified out of their wits by the unremitting carnage all around them. It is a fortunate general who can rely on their men to press on through thick and thin, no matter what horrors the day brings. All too often, warriors will break from the fight and flee the battle, electing for a chance of survival over martial duty. Fortunately for you, you are allowed a chance to whip some discipline into these cowardly curs and get them back into the fight, where they belong.

During the Compulsory Moves sub-phase, the player picks any one of their fleeing units and tests to rally it (as explained below). They then proceed to the next fleeing unit and attempts to rally it, and so on, in any order they wish, until all units that are able to make a rally attempt have done so.

If the unit started to flee in this turn it cannot attempt to rally the same turn – there's too much momentum built up already!

A unit attempts to rally by taking a Leadership test. If the fleeing unit has been reduced in size to a quarter (25%) or less of the number of models with which it began the game, its Leadership value is halved (after any other modifiers, special rule or abilities are applied, rounded up), as the survivors are too demoralised to give all but the scantest consideration to rallying.

If the Rally test is failed the unit continues to flee.

If the Rally test is successful, the unit stops fleeing. Order is restored as chieftains, champions and leaders bash a few heads together, or manage to bellow a few well-chosen motivational words (or bare-faced threats) over the thunder of running feet Whilst the unit is not yet ready to rejoin the fight, it will be able to make some very basic manoeuvres and will be fully fighting fit in time for your next turn. You may like to mark freshly rallied units with a coin or counter of some description, so you don't get them confused with other troops.

A unit that has successfully rallied immediately makes a reform manoeuvre, so that the controlling player can at least get their troops pointed towards the enemy again, rather than the wild blue yonder. A rallied unit cannot perform further actions during the Movement phase, and loses its opportunity to make a shooting attack in the Shooting phase, as the troops are too busy reorganising themselves after their headlong flight. Note that a rallied unit can cast spells as normal.

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