Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Blessings of Hashut
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A model mounted on an Altar of Hashut can use each of the following bound spells once per friendly Magic Phase. In addition, it may use up to 4 Power Dice when attempting to cast each spell. The Altar can pivot on the spot before casting, and the range of the bound spells is measured from the Altar itself.

  • Flaming Hide: The Daemonsmith causes the skin of his allies to begin to glow red hot and flickers with sparks, limiting the effectiveness of wounding the afflicted.
    Innate Bound Spell (power level 7). Flaming Hide is an augment spell with a range of 36". Until the start of your next Magic phase, the target unit gains a Ward Save (6+), and any enemy model in base contact with this unit suffers a Strength 3 Hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule at the start of the close combat phase.

  • Fists of Fire: The Daemonsmith causes the hands of his allies to become enwrapped with glowing bands of magical fire that snake out and envelope hand-to-hand combat opponents.
    Innate Bound Spell (power level 7). Fists of Fire is an augment spell with a range of 36". Until the start of your next Magic phase, the target unit may re-roll failed rolls To Wound and gains the Magical Attacks and Flaming Attacks special rules in close combat.

  • Shadows of Hashut: The air around the Daemonsmith grows cold and a shadowy form begins to coalesce next to him. It forms into a visage of Hashut, the mighty God of the Chaos Dwarfs. With a deafening roar, the shadow bull charges forward smashing everything out of its way.
    Innate Bound Spell, (power level 8). Shadows of Hashut is a direct damage spell. Draw a line 36" from the base of the Altar. Every model crossed by the line suffers a Strength 4 hit.

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