Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Keep a count of the number of times Skarr Bloodwrath kills an opponent in a challenge or kills a Monster – this is referred to as the Blood Tally. If he is removed as a casualty as a result of anything other than Spawndom or Dark Apotheosis, mark his position with a counter (a small coin is ideal). At the end of the turn, roll a D6 and add the current total of the Blood Tally. If the result is 1-3, remove the counter from play – this rule has no further effect. If the result is 4+, Skarr is reborn: place Skarr anywhere within 6” of the centre of the counter and at least 1" away from any unit and impassable terrain, then reset the Blood Tally to 0. If it is not possible to place Skarr, remove the counter instead, and Skarr is not reborn. Skarr returns to play with D3 Wounds, and suffers no bonuses or penalties incurred from his former existence. For example, if Skarr was fleeing or affected by an augment or hex spell at the time of his death, the reborn model will not be. However, any bonuses or penalties conferred as a result of Skarr rolling on the Eye of the Gods table do remain in effect.

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