Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Bull Run
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The Picadors may light up the horns of the Bulls at the start of any of your Movement phases. They then move using the Random Movement (3D6) special rule and gains the Immunity (Psychology) special rule for the remainder of the game.

If the Fire Bulls' move would bring them into contact with another unit, then they move through rather than stopping. If the Fire Bulls' move would end within a unit, then they automatically move through it – place the Fire Bulls 1" beyond the unit, in the direction they were moving. When a unit of Fire Bulls moves through a unit (friend or foe), each Bull in the unit inflicts a Strength 5 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule.

Any unit that moves into contact with the front arc of a unit of Fire Bulls suffers a Strength 5 hit for each Fire Bull in base contact. These are resolved like Impact Hits in the close combat phase if the Fire Bulls are charged, or immediately in case a unit flees through them.

If the Picador(s) are killed before they have lit the bulls, the bulls simply wander off and are removed as casualties. If the Picadors are slain after they have lit the bulls, the Fire Bulls will move in a Random direction every turn.

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