Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Coruscating Blast
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The Carmine Dragon's breath weapon is a sorcerous blast of powerful Amethyst magic capable of withering metal and rendering flesh to dust as if millennia had passed in mere seconds.

This Breath Weapon works similarly to determining the effects of a cannon shot (see the Warhammer rulebook). The maximum range of the attack's target point is 12" away from the monster and may be treated just like a normal breath weapon. After the target point has been selected, roll the Artillery dice to create a line of effect for the blast travelling in a straight line away from the dragon (using the line template). A Misfire result should be re-rolled. Any model caught in the line of the blast suffers D3 wounds with a strength equivalent to 10, minus the target's Toughness score, with the Ignores Armour Saves and Magical Attacks special rules.

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