Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Doomfire is fired exactly like a Stone Thrower with the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

Any unit that suffers one or more casualties from Doomfire must take a Panic test with a -1 penalty to their Leadership. Should the artillery dice roll a misfire, roll a D6 on the following table:




Free at last! The Daemon inside the Hellcannon violently breaks its bonds.

Every unit within 6" takes D6 Strength 5 hits. Then remove the Hellcannon and its crew from play.


Schlurp: The Hellcannon sucks its own crew into its furnace and spits them out in a shower of gore and bone.

Remove the crew from play.


Thzzzz: The Hellcannon fires great pulses of raw magic.

All Wizards within 24" must immediately pass a Leadership test or suffer a Miscast. Any spells lost are determined randomly.


Grrr: The enraged Daemon inside the Hellcannon goes berserk.

Remove D3 crew.


Blooood! The Hellcannon breaks its chains and rushes forwards.

Move the Hellcannon 3D6" directly forward as if it was subject to the Random Movement special rule and it was the Compulsory Movement sub-phase.


Boom! The Hellcannon fires a devastating blast.

Resolve the Doomfire shot as if it were a direct hit, doubling the Strength of any hit. The Hellcannon cannot fire for the rest of the game.