Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Evocation of Death
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At the beginning of the owning player's Magic phase, the Black Coach feeds on magical energy. Immediately after the total number of power dice for that phase has been determined, roll all the power dice in the pool. If any of these dice roll a 6, a portion of the power it represents is siphoned into the Black Coach. Power dice that are 'siphoned' by the Black Coach in this fashion can be used in the Magic phase as normal, though keep a note of how many are siphoned in this way. If you have more than one Black Coach in your army, randomly determine which Black Coach gains each siphoned dice. Each dice increases that Black Coach's abilities for the rest of the game, as detailed on the chart below. All of the increases listed are cumulative.




The Black Coach manifest gleaming scythes.

The Black Coach adds +1 to the number of Impact Hits it inflicts when it charges.


The Cairn Wraith and the steeds pulling the Black Coach are filled with unholy vigour.

The Cairn Wraith and Nightmares have +1 Strength.


Blades and fangs glow with green witch-fire.

The Black Coach's Impact Hits, Nightmares' and Cairn Wraith's Attacks gain the Killing Blow and Flaming Attacks special rules.


A pulsing nimbus of darkness envelops the Black Coach.

The Black Coach gains the Magic Resistance (2) and Strider special rules.


The Black Coach flickers between the world of the living and the realm of the dead.

The Black Coach has the Ethereal special rule.


Howling winds swirls around the Black Coach, lifting it into the air.

The Black Coach has the Fly (8) special rule.

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