Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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The Goblin-hewer fires using the following profile:

RangeStrengthSpecial Rules

In order to fire the Goblin-hewer, nominate a target unit within range and Line of Sight and roll To Hit as normal using the unit's highest Ballistics Skill.

The spinning axe blades fire a variable number of shots depending on the number of ranks in the target unit. Roll a D6 for every rank the target has – this is the total number of rolls to Hit you should make. If the Goblin-hewer is in the flank arc of a unit, then the number of models in the widest rank is counted as the number of 'ranks' for this purpose.

For example, against a unit four ranks deep the Goblin-hewer fires 4D6 shots. If it were six models wide and hit in the flank, it would fire 6D6 shots. Casualties are allocated just like normal shooting hits. If firing at a single model or skirmishers, or other target that does not use ranks, it fires D6 shots.

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