Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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When things start going poorly it is not unheard of for the less reliable sell-swords to switch sides in the very midst of a conflict. During the battle, there are times when the loyalty of the warriors-for-hire will be tested.

Every time a unit with this special rule fails a Break test, roll on the Mercenary Loyalty table below and apply the results. This rule has no effect on a unit that is joined by the army's General, Paymaster or Merchant Prince.




Wavering Loyalty. The mercenaries aren't sure if the job is worth their suffering!

The unit flees as normal, and all models in the unit suffer a -1 modifier to their Leadership for the rest of the battle.


Soldier On. The mercenaries flee, but remain loyal for the moment.

The unit flees as normal.


Stand Fast! Remembering the promise of gold from their employer, the mercenaries stand their ground.

The unit counts as having passed its Break test.