Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Over-pressured Boiler
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The system of propulsion of the Deathrollers was improved compared to the original steam rollers. It makes it possible for the machinist to quickly increase the pressure to accelerate the speed of its machine and to crush his enemies.

If two or more l's are rolled when rolling for its movement, you need to roll another D6 and consult the Boiler Incident Table. The driver can take the risk and increase the pressure of the steam boiler before choosing to move the Deathroller. This gives the Deathroller the Random Movement (3D6) special rule.




The ancient boiler cannot take the pressure and explodes, killing the pilot.

Remove the Deathroller as a casualty. All units in base contact with the Deathroller suffer D6 Strength 4 Hits with the Armour Piercing special rule.


The boiler case breaks, causing a release of steam and forcing the pilot to seal the hole.

The Deathroller may not move this turn or use its Grinding Attack. If it breaks from combat this round, it is automatically destroyed.


A valve breaks avoiding the worst.

The Deathroller may only roll one D6 for each of its Movements this turn (including fleeing and pursuit).

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