Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Phoenix Reborn
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As soon as a Flamespyre Phoenix loses its last Wound (including unsaved Wounds that killed the monster as a result of the Heroic Killing Blow or Multiple Wounds special rules), remove the model and place a Phoenix Reborn counter (a small coin will do) to mark the centre of the death spot. If your army contains several Flamespyre Phoenixes, you will need to place a Phoenix Reborn counter for each one that is slain (and a way of telling the counters apart).

At the end of the turn roll a D6 for each Phoenix Reborn counter and consult the table below:




Dead Embers. The Flamespyre Phoenix is dead, never to return – remove the Phoenix Reborn counter from play.


Flame Kindled. Centre the large round template over the centre of the Phoenix Reborn counter. All models (friend or foe) hit by the template suffer a Strength 4 hit with the Flaming Attacks special rule. This is a non-physical attack. The Phoenix Reborn counter remains in play – roll again at the end of the next turn (yours or your opponent's).


Rise from the Ashes. Place the Flamespyre Phoenix anywhere that is within 6" of the centre of the Phoenix Reborn counter and at least 1" away from any unit, and then remove the marker from play. If it is not possible to place the Phoenix due to the aforementioned restrictions, treat this result as a Flame Kindled result instead. Reborn Flamespyre Phoenixes return with D3+2 Wounds. The reborn model suffers no bonuses or penalties incurred from its former existence – i.e. if the model was fleeing or affected by an augment or hex spell at the time of its death, the reborn model will not be.

If a Flamespyre Phoenix has a rider when it loses its last Wound, both monster and rider are removed and replaced with a Phoenix Reborn counter as described above. However, add +1 when rolling on the Phoenix Reborn table for a Flamespyre Phoenix that had a rider when it was removed.

If the result is Dead Embers, both monster and rider are slain, never to return. However, if the result is Rise from the Ashes, the character returns to life with its starting number of Wounds, riding atop the reborn Flamespyre Phoenix.

At the end of the game, remove all Phoenix Reborn counters from the board – these Flamespyre Phoenixes and any riders they had count as casualties.

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