Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Poisonous Items
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Although Lucrezzia is a Master Sorceress, she does not have magic items. Instead she has various Poisonous Items, reflecting her special skill as an arch poisoner. These items are not affected by anything that normally affects or negates magic items.

  • Phial of Poison: Long before the battle, the enemy camp is infiltrated by Lucrezzia’s paid assassin, equipped with a phial of poison specially prepared by his mistress. This will be tipped into the drink or meal of one of the enemy leaders during the feasting on the eve of battle. The poison is slow-acting and will strike the next day as the armies draw up for battle.
    Nominate D3 enemy characters at the beginning of the battle. Roll a D6 for each; a roll of 4+ means that the character has been poisoned and starts the battle with one Wound less than normal, with no saves allowed. This has no effect against models with the Immunity (Poisoned Attacks) or Daemonic special rules.

  • Poisoned Stiletto: Lucrezzia always keeps a stiletto dagger secreted in her garter. This is not only for self-defence, but because you never know when you might want to do an off-the-cuff assassination and may not have a ready prepared poison to hand. Of course, Lucrezzia's stiletto has been dipped in the venom of a toad and used to chop poisonous mushrooms.
    Additional hand weapon. The Stiletto dagger gives Lucrezzia the Poisoned Attacks special rule.

  • Potion of Pavona: Lucrezzia will mix up potions to strengthen whoever drinks it, selecting the right ingredients. However, there is a risk, as the potion may prove slightly poisonous.
    At the beginning of the battle, Lucrezzia may give the potion to any friendly character or take it herself. Roll a D6; on roll 2+, choose that number of the chosen model's characteristics to improve by +1. For example, if you roll a 4 you could choose to improve the model's WS, T, W, and I by +1. You cannot apply this bonus to a model's Leadership and cannot increase a characteristic by more than one. If you roll a 1, the model loses a wound; if this kills the model then it counts as a casualty for all purposes.

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