Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Ringing the Bell
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In your Magic phase, immediately after generating power dice, you can choose to ring the Screaming Bell. The owning player can choose to roll between 1-3 D6's, representing the vigour the Rat Ogre bell-ringer is commanded to supply.

If the Screaming Bell suffers one or more wounds inflicted by a shooting attack with a Strength of 5 or more, it will immediately ring once using one D6, even if it is destroyed as a result of the attack.


Not yet in stride. The Rat Ogre strains under the task.

The air stirs with magical energy, but no game effect yet.


Unholy Clamour. The toll of the Bell fills the unit pushing the Screaming Bell with zeal.

The unit pushing the Bell immediately moves using the Random Movement (D6) special rule.


Emboldened. The high-pitched squeaking of the Skaven rises to meet the Bell's clanging.

All friendly Skaven within 24" of the Bell can re-roll failed Leadership tests until the start of your next turn.


Scorch. The toiling sound opens vents in the ground.

The Bell itself (not the Grey Seer) immediately casts the Scorch spell from the Lore of Ruin with a Casting Value of 5 (this requires no power dice and cannot be increased in any way).


Deafening Peals. The unnatural vibrations of the bell spread outwards.

All enemy War Machines and Chariots with Toughness 7 or more that are within 18" of the Screaming Bell immediately take a Wound with the Multiple Wounds (D3) special rule. Roll a D6 for each building within 18" of the Bell - each collapses on a roll of 5+. Models inside collapsed buildings are treated the same as per the Cracks Call spell from the Lore of Ruin.


A Stirring Beyond the Veil. Something that should not be awoken answers the Bell's summons...

All enemy units within 12" of the Bell take D6 Strength 4 hits (as from shooting). Additionally, if the unit pushing the Screaming Bell is in combat, it gains the Fight in Extra Ranks (1) special rule for the remainder of the turn.


Wall of Unholy Sound. The deafening peals roll across the land, driving the Skaven to new heights of ferocity.

All models in each friendly unit within 12" of the Screaming Bell gain +1 Attack until the end of the player turn. Roll a D6 for each building within 24" - each collapses on a roll of 4+ (see Deafening Peals).


Avalanche of Energy. A surge of energy ripples from the Screaming Bell.

All friendly models within 12" of the Bell gain +1 Attack and may re-roll failed To Hit and To Wound rolls until the end of the player turn. Any friendly Skaven units within 12" of the Screaming Bell and not in close combat can immediately move using the Random Movement (D6) special rule.


Apocalyptic Doom. With a cataclysmic eruption of sound the Screaming Bell splits asunder, crashing to the ground like ten thousand thunderclaps. Sometimes even years later survivors still report hearing a faint echo, the final resonation of the hell or distant unearthly laughter.

The Screaming Bell is destroyed. All models within 12" take a Strength 4 hit with the Ignores Armour Saves special rule.

Doubles - If any doubles are rolled, a backlash of magic reverberates through the Screaming Bell. Apply the following effect in addition to the result on the chart. The unit pushing the Screaming Bell immediately takes D6 Strength 4 Hits.

Triples - If a triple is rolled, apply the following effect in addition to the result on the chart. The unit pushing the Bell immediately suffers 2D6 Strength 5 hits, and the Screaming Bell itself suffer a single Strength 5 hit.

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