Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

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Equipped with massive hooked blades or oversized flails mounted on bundles of chains, Chaos Siege Giants are equally at home smashing apart buildings and fortifications as they are sweeping mere mortals into a jumbled heap of torn flesh and broken bones. The Giant’s enthusiasm however can sometimes mean they prove more dangerous to themselves than the enemy.

The Giant fights using the Random Attacks (2D6) special rule this round. If a double is rolled when determining the number of Attacks, the Giant must immediately test to see if it falls over. Any further damage done in this way counts towards combat resolution.

If a double 1 is rolled, something very unfortunate has occurred. If this has happened no damage is inflicted on the enemy unit. Instead the Giant suffers D3 wounds (no saves) and immediately falls over (the chain has wrapped around their neck, they’ve managed to stab themselves or something equally unpleasant has occurred). Any wounds caused by the fall count towards combat resolution as usual.

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