Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Shadow Dances of Loec
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At the start of each round of close combat in which they are fighting, models with this special rule choose one of the following dances, the effect of which lasts until the end of that turn or until a new dance is chosen. This is done before Impact Hits are resolved. All dancers in the same unit must choose the same dance. Dancers cannot choose the same dance in two consecutive rounds of combat.

  • Whirling Death: Each strike of a Wardancer's blade is made with uncanny precision, capable of severing a head or piercing a heart with one deceptively elegant stroke.
    While performing this dance, the model gains the Armour Piercing (1) and Killing Blow special rules.

  • Storm of Blades: The Wardancers rain blow after blow upon their opponent, moving with such speed that the eye cannot follow each distinct cut and thrust.
    While performing this dance, the model gains +1 Attack.

  • The Shadows Coil: With agile grace the Wardancers evade the clumsy attacks of their enemies, becoming almost impossible to strike.
    While performing this dance, all close combat attacks against the model suffer -1 To Hit.

  • Woven Mist: The sinuous movements of this dance distract and confuse the enemy, allowing the Wardancers to strike before their foe can react.
    When performing this dance, the model gains the Always Strikes First special rule.

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