Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

State Troops
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State Troops are trained to support and protect each other in battle. If an enemy unit declares a charge against a State Troop unit, and the State Troops do not flee as a charge reaction, then all unengaged State Troop units within 3" can make either a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action. These actions are declared immediately after their State Troops' charge reaction. If the charged State Troops unit does not get a charge reaction for any reason then the other State Troops units within range cannot make a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action.

State Troops are trained to support and protect each other in battle. If an enemy unit declares a charge against a State Troop unit, and the State Troops do not flee as a charge reaction, then all unengaged State Troop units within 3" can make either a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action. These actions are declared immediately after their State Troops' charge reaction. If the charged State Troops unit does not get a charge reaction for any reason then the other State Troops units within range cannot make a Support Fire or a Counter Charge action.

Additionally, a State Troop unit can only declare one Support Fire action, one Stand and Shoot reaction or one Counter Charge action per turn.

  • Support Fire: A State Troop unit can only declare a Support Fire action if at least one model in the unit is armed with a missile weapon and the range between the charging unit and the charged State Troops unit is greater than the charging unit's Movement characteristic.

    If a Support Fire action is declared, the unit makes an immediate, out of sequence shooting attack, resolved as if it had just declared a Stand and Shoot charge reaction against the charging unit. All unsaved Wounds from the units' Stand and Shoot charge reaction and/or Support Fire actions, are combined when determining if the charging unit is required to take a Heavy Casualties Panic test.

  • Counter Charge: If a Counter Charge action is declared, the unit makes an out of sequence move that is resolved as it had just declared a charge against the charging unit. This move is made after your opponent has moved all of his charging units, as long as one or more enemy units has successfully completed a charge against the charged State Troop unit. The enemy does not get to make any charge reactions against a Counter Charge, but otherwise all the normal charging rules and bonuses apply.