Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Steam Points
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At the start of your turn, declare how many Steam Points your Steam Tank is generating – this can be any number between 0 and 5. After you have generated your Steam Points (if any), roll an artillery dice to see if the Steam Tank's boiler holds out. If the result is greater than the Steam Tank's current number of Wounds, or if you roll a misfire, roll a D3 and then, for each Steam Point the Steam Tank currently has, add 1 to the result and consult the Steam Boiler Mishap table. You can expend Steam Points in three ways: through the Steam Engine, or Steam Weapons.

You can expend up to 3 Steam Points in each of these categories, as long as you have enough Steam Points remaining. Any Steam Points left unused at the end of your turn are lost.


Valve Locked: Roll a D6. On a 1-2, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Engine this turn. On a 3-4, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Gun this turn. On a 5-6, you cannot expend Steam Points in the Steam Cannon this turn.


Minor Leak: The Steam Tank immediately loses D3 Steam Points.


Emergency Vent: The Steam Tank immediately loses D6 Steam Points. The Steam Tank, and any unit in base contact, immediately suffers 2D6, Strength 2 hits, distributed as from shooting (roll for each unit).


Dangerous Overpressure: Roll a D6. The Steam Tank immediately gains a number of Steam Points and loses a number of Wounds equal to the result.


Kaboom: All units within 6" of the Steam Tank (Friend or foe) immediately suffer 2D6 Strength 4 hits, distributed as from shooting (roll for each unit). After resolving any damage, the Steam Tank is removed as a casualty.

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