Source: Warhammer Armies Project: Unofficial 9th Edition (v2.2)

Strange and Confused
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Known to fits of great emotional outbursts, Giacchino is truly a weird character. How his crew has put up with him so long, one can only imagine…

At the start of your Movement phase, roll a D6 and consult the table below to see what is on Giacchino's mind this turn.




Did no one come to save me just because they missed me?

Disappointed with the apparent lack of affection for him, Giacchino sits down and sulks while his crew desperately tries to encourage him. Giacchino and the unit he is with cannot move voluntarily this turn.


Up... is down!

In a sudden stroke of utter madness, Giacchino orders his crew to immediately turn in the reverse direction. Giacchino and any unit he is with immediately makes a reform (even if in close combat), turning in the opposite direction of what they are currently facing.


Now we're being followed by rocks!

Spouting utter nonsense, Giacchino sets off forward, with his confused crew following after. Giacchino moves using the Random Movement (2D6) special rule this turn.


Now where is that monkey? I want to shoot something!

Looking for a suitable target – any target – Giacchino immediately starts swinging and firing towards whatever is in front of him. Giacchino may immediately make an extra Shooting or Close Combat attack towards an enemy within line of sight.


But... you HAVE heard of me?

Confounded by the enemy's lack of knowledge regarding his person, Giacchino sets upon explaining his importance with complete disregard for his own safety. Giacchino is Stubborn, but may not Attack, until he rolls on the table again.


It's CAPTAIN Giacchino de Falco!

Outraged at the improper use of his title, Giacchino lashes out at the foe. Giacchino must immediately declare a charge against the nearest enemy unit. He is subject to Hatred and Frenzy until he rolls on the table again.

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